Mia Brown is now an artist with Artlifting
We're excited to announce that Mia has become an artist represented by ArtLifting.
ArtLifting empowers artists living with homelessness or disabilities through the celebration and sale of their artwork. ArtLifting is about creating opportunity, empowerment, and validation.
Through ArtLifting, every artist earns 55% from the sale of their work; 1% from each sale goes to a fund, which provides art supplies to therapy groups nationwide; and ArtLifting uses the remaining 44% to further their mission.
To see Mia's work available through ArtLifting click here:
Holiday Rush
We're gearing up for the holidays much like everyone else. After Halloween, comes Thanksgiving + Christmas-- which means Mia is gearing up for her Open Studio / Holiday Sale at our San Rafael studio on December 4th.
This year we will highlight 10-15 new works on paper and canvas, limited edition tote bags (as seen above) in 5 different designs priced at $35 each, and new screenprinted posters that are functional calendars!
We are excited to see the new products as it illuminates all of Mia's hardwork this year. See you there!
We are happy to announce that Mia has had a piece accepted into a juried show highlighting the work by artists with disabilities.
Her painting "Sunken Treasure" was selected to be shown at Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital's Art Ability 2015, an international juried exhibition and sale of art and fine crafts.
Mia's work, along with other talented artists, will be on view from November 7, 2015 to January 31, 2016 at their Malvern, PA location and available for purchase.
Mia will also be preparing for two upcoming shows-- her open studio December 4th that will reveal new tote bags for purchase and larger scale paintings, as well as a two-person exhibition at Five Pins Project in SF in Spring of 2016. Look for handbills and announcements coming up this next month. We're excited to show you some of the new things Mia has been working on.
‼ DON'T FORGET! Mia is on instagram these days-- @downtownmiabrown
Check it out for other studio updates.